
No Olympics For You

Olympic_Rings It has just been announced.  Chicago will not be hosting the 2016 games.  But did you know that Chicago actually won the rights to host the Olympic Games in the past.  But, St. Louis pitched a hissy fit, whined like babies, and stole the 1904 games from us.  (WIKI)  I guess that was their payback for us opening the canal in 1900 that reversed the flow of the Chicago River and sent all our crap to them.  (WIKI)

Oh well.  I'm sure the sons, daughters, cousins, etc. of Chicago's ruling families will find new and creative ways to line their pockets between now and them by bilking the tax payers.


Srg said...

I just saw this on the news. What a bummer!

mo.stoneskin said...

And when you say 'crap'...

Sass said...

Yes, mo. He means Crap.

Loads and loads of Chicago crap.


Cora said...

Boo!! Oh well, maybe Chicago will host it in another 112 years, eh? We can always look forward to that, right?


SkylersDad said...

I have the honor of living in the only city ever awarded the Olympics, then voting them down.

Denver was the host city for 1976, then realized they couldn't afford to do it, so voted them down.

The Beaver Creek ski area is the site that was to be the bobsled and luge run.

Cowguy said...

Sal and I are having the olympics here in Missouri...

*wink wink*


~E said...

the closest I want to be to the Olympics is being in Seattle while it is held in Vancouver. Short hop/skip/jump away but with none of the extra taxes and crazy tourists that come along with it.

mike said...

I don't think that Chicago ever really had a chance, not even if Michael Jordan went instead of Obama. People forget the Olympics are a world event, and I think that they made the right choice with Rio, especially since South America has never hosted.

Also, I know a girl from Brazil and she is HOTT! So there's that.