
And the answer is…

I'm gonna go all Pon Farr on your ass, bitch. An ASCII picture of Spock!  Remember back when you could go to the county fair and get this or your face printed on a T-Shirt all done in ASCII characters?


Stupid young punks.

Anyway, THIS LINK will take you to the picture I used.

Live long and prosper.  Bitches.




Oh, those crazy kids...


SkylersDad said...

Hey Scope, I have a link to a whole bunch of those Star Trek demotivational posters if you don't already have it.

Great stuff!

Cora said...



wigsf said...

Do you know why they were boldy going where no man has gone before?

If no man has gone there before, all the women there must be virgins. And Kirk likes the break in some untouched alien tang.

Cora said...

LOL @ wigsf!

What does the Starship Enterprise have in common with toilet paper?

They both fly around Uranus looking for Klingons.



Is this thing on?....

JenJen said...

Dammit, Jim!

The good of the many outweigh the good of the few.


Morgan the Muse said...

I knew it was a picture, but I couldn't get it to work and my computer was hating me. :(

Tom said...

Anyone who can't remember the amazing graphics of an Atari 2600 is also a young punk.

Tami G said...

you guys crack me up!
NiCe pic there Scope - I'm technically challenged so I don't even KNOW those words! (much less be able to figure out the pic) :-/

Tami G

Gwen said...

That's kewl. I love me some anything Star Trek.

mo.stoneskin said...

Stupid young punks, that's me all right.

Srg said...

Scope - you were right. I was seeing just the top of the head before but changing the font made it show up completely!

Cora - you crack me up!

KaLynn ("MiMi") said...

Star Trek!! Thanks for reminding me! I loved that show! Well, still do! I had forgotten about the picture on shirts thing!

Childhood! or was it young adulthood?

Thanks for the memories...