Forgive me if my STL geography is a tad off, but as I understand it, isn't your neighborhood the only place to really LIVE in STL? Everyplace else, folks is just EXISTING. But your 'hood is for LIVING.
And you'll totally recognize her from that one time at Schnucks...
Exactly 1 year ago, I stuck my big toe into blog world be leaving my first comment EVER on a blog post. The comment above was posted HERE, on the Gwen's wonderful blog, Everything I Like Causes Cancer.
It would be a little while before I dusted off the 'Scope' moniker and about 2 months before I started up 'Scope-Tech'. But with both Cora and Candy hitting blogiversaries recently, I thought I would honor the moment that I started down a path that would change me life forever.
I want to thank every single person who has read even a single post of mine, let alone commented or followed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
- Eric
Btw, after this post of yours, now I feel even more crappy that I forgot my own blogiversary.
I need to do something about that.... eventually.
Cora, my dear, don't feel bad, you'll think of some way to honor your year.
Happy Blogversary good sir, you have done quite well for only a year!
Awww... I feel so happy to have witnessed (a little but important section of) your journey!
Hahaha! Excellent! I remember the day . . . we've come a long way since then, friend, and I'm damn glad.
BTW, I never did meet that gal.
Happy 'versary. You rock.
Happy Blogversary
Way to go, Scope! Happy B-versary Day!
Happy 1st Blogiversary!!!
I don't even know where my 1st comment is, but I'm just 32 days behind you...and wondering what to do about my blogiversary.
Congrats again!
This is apparently a popular time to start a blog. I started mine on the first of september, so my first comment would have been about 4 days before yours. I wonder where it was? I have no clue anymore...
Happy Blog-versary, Scope! I can't believe that you've only been doing this a year.
You're thanking us, Scope? We're thanking YOU!
I've enjoyed following along! I can only imagine where you'll be another year from now!
I repeat the sentiment my good blogger friend shared with me on my bloggiversary;
No Scope, THANK YOU.
You are ever so deserving of all the good things this new path has brought you and much more.
You are a quality guy and someone I am proud to call my friend.
How far we've come in a year.
How very, very far...
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