
Realistic Sexy Statues vs. Realistic Sex Dolls

Last week, Robot Nine did a posting on realistic sex dolls. They are realistic. And creepy. And weird. And, as a single man, filled me with a "there, but for the grace of God, go I" pile of dread and foreboding that is very difficult to explain.

It also got me thinking. For a number of years, while I was living in Lincoln Park, I would go to the
Old Town Art Fair. It was usually one of the first street fairs of the season, and was due east of me a few blocks. I never really bought anything at Old Town. It was a "fine arts" kind of show, and a lot of the paintings and sculpture was way out side what I was willing to pay. But I would go with friends, and we'd drink, and look at some of the wild artwork, then head down to the the Wells Street Art Festival, which was also held in Old Town, on the same weekend, but 2 blocks south. This was more like the arts and craft show that I was familiar with, and I occasionally recognized an exhibitor there. (My parents did craft shows for a number of years, so I would hang out with them. They've pretty much stopped. One day, I will do a story about their stepping stones.) All in all it was a good way to spend an early summer weekend in the beautiful city of Chicago.

One of the exhibitors I saw for years at the Old Town Art Fair was named
Marc Sijan. Below is a sample of his work. Cruised through my personal pix, and that is the only one I can find. There are plenty on the web, but also, the link above takes you to his gallery pages.

The art is super realistic. The skin tones and freckles are just amazing. I've always thought it would be a bit creepy to have a life sized (well if you're Cora or Lisa sized, that is) statue of a woman in a towel in your home as art. Which is why I thought of this when I saw Robot Nine's column.

And how realistic is it really? That old security guard sitting there? Yup, statue.
Below is a video with the author from the show a few years ago.


Cora said...

Hey, remember that day my blog called you my "man doll"? That was fun, huh? Yeah....

And now it looks like now we-re even! I clicked your link for "realistic sex dolls" and guess where it took me.... uh-huh, right to my blog. Twice. (darn those robots!!)

So, you're my man doll, and I'm your realistic sex doll. Fine. Okidoki. I wouldn't mind this normally, as you know, except for the fact that it means you just called me "creepy" and "weird" and that I fill you with a "there, but for the grace of God, go I pile of dread and foreboding that is very difficult to explain."


Do you wanna put the robots in time out or should I?


Scope said...

Ooops. Sorry, did not double check my links before posting. While you are "sexy" and a "doll" I did not mean to imply that you were a "sex doll". That link must have been a hold over from somewhere that I mentioned WTP? (What The Pho?)

The robots are SO in time out..


Robot Nine said...

I'm glad the link got fixed or I might have experienced link distress! Wow, those got me. I thought :Wow his art is so cool he had to hire a security gueard". Silly me. Alan

Robot Nine said...

By the way, very nice new header there!

ShanaM said...

I read the sex doll post. And here is what I thought: I wonder if the dolls have a recorded voice that can be played saying: "ooo baby, ooo baby, do me, do me" or whatever. How much more would that cost, I wonder?? Think of of the different voices, accents, words.... the possiblities are endless. (Get a real woman, dude or use your hand!)

As to the life-like art: That is very cool. I would like the security guard outside my house.

Scope said...

Trust me, at first glance, the security guard looks alive. It takes a few seconds for the "Is he/Isn't he" to set in. Then after a minute, you're sure, but still expect him to pick his nose.

Put this guy out in the shopping mall, and people would ask him questions all day, and then think he's one of those guys playing at being a statue.

With some of the female statues, the wigs and the eyes are a give-away. Not to mention the other missing body parts.

Anonymous said...

Realistic sex is better than both of those topics.

I totally thought the security guard was real and therefore kinda goofy because even I would be trying to look under the towel on the nekkid one and he wasn't but now I know he is a fake which makes more sense.

Cora said...

No problem, Scope! Actually I got a really good laugh out of it, so thank you for that. :-)

Why were you awake at 4:30?!

Candy's daily Dandy said...

I can completely understand you curiousity when viewing this type of "art". I agree that it can be creepy and it reminds me of the "House of Wax" movie with Vincent Price that used to scare the holy CRAP out of me when I was a kid.

But much like that movie, I too am intrugued by these dolls and the art. I find it hard to "look away".

Sassy Britches said...

How fascinating! I think having one of these in my home would take a little getting used to. Although it might deter intruders if I moved it around the house now and again!

SkylersDad said...

Why doesn't anyone ever mention sex with security guards? Probably because of the sqeeve factor...

Fancy Schmancy said...

You would think old Fancy would be smart enough to figure out NSW all by herself Before clicking on the link for realistic sex dolls. Yeah, not so much...

J.J. in L.A. said...

That guy is talented! The security guard had be fooled. I was wondering how expensive the statues were to need one.