After our brief intermission to build suspense (and to let Eric out of his cage and get a little air), on to our final round of winners for the SCOPE-TECH Annual Recognition Awards or S.T.A.R.s:
Bad Ass Mother Of The Year - Candy – Candy's daily Dandy: Candy was my first commenter (she took my "virginity" if you will), but don't let her looks fool ya, she's got skeletons in her closet. OK, maybe just skulls.
Key Lime (QT) Pie Award – Ms. Florida Transplant – Just A Girl… And Her Dogs: Sticking with the citrus theme, and way too good of a joke to pass up. And seriously, look at that profile picture. Not the blob attacking her head that I so desperately want to Photoshop that it makes me crazy, the rest of it. And she did her 5K in orange leggings just to represent her blog banner. That's HAWTT.
Common Tatter Of Year – Everyone who has left a comment on my blog who has never actual met me IRL. Thanks. Or as JSG (the Blonde) would put it: "What are you? NUTS?!? You're encouraging him!"
Common Tainter Of The Year – Sass – thelifeofsass: The phrase "gubernatorial taint" just won't mean the same. Ever. No, no. EVER. And I know I owe you a story about "riding the Brown line" I just need to let it, digest, a bit more.
New Person Of The Year – Gwen – Everything I Like Causes Cancer: Earlier in the year, it was a tossup between Gwen, and an IRL person named "Margo A. Gogo". That's her LEGAL name. But she's faded, and Gwen, who introduced me to all you folks, wins. Hands down. Hard to believe that I only met her this summer. And will be seeing her again in a few days.
Gnu Person Of The Year – Dr. Zibbs – That Blue Yak: His reputation precedes him like LIGHTNING precedes THUNDER. He's a lover, not a fighter. But he's also a fighter, so don't get any ideas. He uses Bizarro Zibbs as a luffa. He is quite possibly the most interesting Blue Yak in the world. He is Dr. Zibbs.
And if you didn't win an award, fret not, it's nothing that can't be solved with an envelope full of cash. And do not be confused by the word 'annual'. You might just earn a star when you're least expecting it. So, like Santa, we're watching you.
[Update: Winners can go HERE to collect their awards.]
I would like to take this moment to thank everyone who reads my award winning blog. Without all of you, it would take me a few months to find the same amount of readers. And I'm a very busy man.
Thanks for the award, man! I'm the NPOTY, which sounds like a boy band and makes me giggle.
Three days to Christmas party!
Thanks for the award!
I've gotten several comments about the lamp coming out of my head, but I think it adds character to the picture.
Bad Ass Mother of the Year! HELL YA! Scope baby this is probably the BEST thing I have ever won!! Thank you, thank you. You are the best and I am a BAD ASS!! Life couldn't get any better! I'm so honored!
Can you make me one of those little thingies to put on the sidebar of my blog?? I took Poo's badass test and got only a .09% so I couldnt really display it now could I? I would display this bad ass award proudly!
Now I'm going to go tell my kids not to mess with me because I am one "Bad Ass Mother"! Oh yeah, I'm gonna get some mileage out of this one.
thanks again!
ps-Zibsy, that was a funny comment. HAHAHA!
oh yeah and the poppin your cherry thing.....very cool:)
Candy - I put a link at the bottom of the post to where I've stashed individualized awards for all winners.
Let me know via my Gmail account if you are having any issues with them.
Disclaimer - Your winning of the "Bad Ass Mother Of The Year" Award is in no way an implication that you are a "Bad Mother" or worse, have a "Bad Ass".
SCOPE-TECH is certain you possess fantastic parental skills and a rear that makes women half your age (well they'd be girls then) think "BI*CH" when you walk by, and then give their guys the snake eye for looking.
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