* This interview was pre-recorded. Due to security reasons, it had to wait to be published until the new administration took power.
Cartoon Bears "Pigged Out"Before Hibernation Fest '08
Care Bears not invited after last year's My Little Pony incident.

The group's spokes bear, Boris the Bear, agreed to talk to SCOPE-TECH about this event. "Since I've been basically hibernating since they canceled my comic book back in 1990, I don't need to feed like those other guys. Also, being a robot helps, too." He went on to say that the bears basically broke down into two groups, "the Foodies" and "the Drinkies".
The Foodies include Yogi & Boo-Boo, Winnie the Pooh, and Sugar Bear. "That Yogi is a true omnivore. He'll eat anything is a pic-a-nic basket. Winnie is a "show me the honey" kind of guy. And I think Sugar Bear's dietary habits are well documented."
The Drinkies include the Hamms Beer Bear & the Hillbilly Bears. "While the Hillbilly Bears are easily confused with the Country Bears, the HB's are animated while the CB's are animatronics. But they both have a shine for 'shine!" Boris said of the similar offerings from Disney & Hanna-Barbera. "And that Hamms Beer Bear, being a true Minnesotan, really loves his lutefisk, and any food on a stick."

When asked about another bear seen prowlin' and a growlin' and a sniffin' the air, Boris referred to him as "the Smokey". "He's just looking to bum a cigarette from someone. Talk about playing up your misfortune for cash. His forest burns down, and he gets a cushy, do nothing, government job. When was the last time you was him working?"

"But I don't think that any of this will work anyhow," Boris concluded. "I mean, they can get wider and all, but as 2-D cartoon characters, they can't really get fat."
According to Boris, the Care Bears were not allowed to participate in this year's Hibernation Fest activities, held at Jellystone Park. "My feelings toward cute comic animals is well documented. And after getting their punk butts kick by a herd of My Little Ponies last year, we found a better job for them. They are digging new hibernation caves. I guess you could call them Ursa Miners!"
I thought Sugar Bear was the pimp on Starsky and Hutch?
You think he was invited??Probably not. I think he was last seen corralling a few of those My Little Ponies to make up his own working posse.
Damn Smokey is nothing but a big, fat, pyro!
Around these parts I am known for my mad hibernating skillz. I simply do not go outside in winter unless it's necessary and when it snows I take vacation days.
I just got an email from a friend who saw I took today off and she asked if she could come over because she knew "there isn't a snowball's chance in hell I'll get you to come over to my house." And she's right.
Smoke em if you got em.
I'd totally forgotten about Sugar Bear.
Incidentally, Sugar Bear was my nickname in high school.
What about The Bears Who Sing for Duke?
The Drinkies have an Aussie friend, the Bundy Bear (mascot for Bundaberg Rum)... it's a rum-drinking polar bear, see? http://www.tintdude.com/forum/uploads2/profile/photo-20467.jpg
My nickname from my dad is Heathybear...I think I can fit into all catagories quite well. In fact that Smokey dude looks kinda familiar. Is he in a band?
Ha ha ha! Ursa Miners!
This was beary informative, Scope. Thank you.
Soooo, you like your women wearing beanies and stuffing cookies in their mouths, hmm? I'll see what I can do about a reshoot. Maybe.
Hey hey Boo Boo!
Loved it.
Cora - You could wear the rest of the uniform, too. ;-)
Or... not! >:-)
What? Didn't you see enough in that Facebook picture?
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